The Hermes Standard Initiative at Productronica.
One more time, the members of The Hermes Standard Initiative delivered an impressive line up at Productronica. Proudly presenting the iconic green logo of The Hermes Standard either by its own or in combination with the IPC CFX visual, it was clear to all visitors that The Hermes Standard has gained broad acceptance across all players in the electronics manufacturing industry. Two multi-vendor exhibits are particularly notable:
IPC-HERMES-9852 and IPC CFX: At the joined IPC-HERMES-9852 % IPC CFX booth visitors were given an impressive demo of how The Hermes Standard and IPC CFX in combination can ease and enhance both the horizontal “machine to machine” – communication and the vertical information flow between shop floor and upper control layers.
The 3D AOI Arena (Sponsored by EPP): At the dedicated AOI booth, visitors could see by the labels on all of the machines on stage, that IPC-HERMES-9852 and IPC CFX are well established at all major AOI vendors.
Please find a colourful overview below (with sincere apologies to the Hermes members whom we could not fit into the picture.)