The Hermes Standard Initiative: A really global player keeps growing
The first full release of The Hermes Standard (IPC-HERMES-9852) took place in April 2017, marking the first (!) actual approach to define a next generation standard for the global standard IPC-SMEMA-9851. Just a few months later, so much has changed: We are proud to tell the world that the number of supporting companies keeps growing! Having only just completed the “FIFTY”, it is meanwhile 54 companies, providing a really global footprint of The Hermes Initiative.
A good opportunity to renew the committment: All vendors of assembly equipment for electronics production are invited to join. The reason is simple: One (!) Standard would be in the best interest of the industry.
To go for this goal, an “Open Standard” approach with a really global community, speaking with each other in one global language (with, like it or not, English being the only candidate around on this planet) and using global web-tools to guarantee efficient and effective cooperation is key. (Consider this and ask for details when you hear about other initiatives that claim to head the same direction. If you need help comparing, you might want to check out this presentation.